Gamers Opt Out

Many game companies are now inserting class-action lawsuit prevention clauses in their EULAs. The only way to get out of these is to physically mail a letter to them. We think it’s absurd you can’t do it online.

Well, now you can.


UPDATE 1/12/2016

We are currently no longer working on any opt-out campaigns. This may change in the future. Thanks for your support!


Gamers Opt Out is a collective of gamers who are sick of absurd EULAs from game companies. These EULAs have clauses preventing class-action lawsuits, though you can opt out of the clauses by sending a letter. We want to make it easier for everyone to opt out because Sony, EA, et al, believe most people won't bother to. Let's show them they're wrong.


We will make it easy for you to create the letter needed to send to these companies and can even send the letter on your behalf at no cost. All we ask is that if you like what we are doing, spread the word or donate to help with the cost of paper and postage.